Fasting Dosa with Potato Subzi and Chutney Recipe.

Fasting Dosa with Potato Subzi and Chutney Recipe.

Resting time 3 hours

Preparation time 30 minutes

Cooking time 30 minutes

Total time 4 hours

Type of Recipe: Fasting

Author: Asmi Kadam



For Dosa batter

·      1 cup Barnyard Millet / Samo Rice (Varai Rice)

·      ½ cup Tapioca Pearls/ Sago ( Sabudana)

·      1 teaspoon Cumin

·      1 green Chilies

·      Salt

For potatoes Sabzi

·      1 cup boil chopped Potatoes

·      2 Chilies

·      1 teaspoon Cumin

·      2 tablespoons roasted & crushed Peanuts

·      Salt

·      Oil

For chutney

·      1 cup shredded Coconut

·      1 to 2 Chilies

·      2 tablespoons Curd

·      1 tablespoon roasted Peanuts

·      1 teaspoon Cumin

·      Salt


Wash Samo rice and tapioca pearls 3 to 4 times separately. Soaked the sago rice and tapioca pearls separately at least in one glass of water for 3 hours. Keep aside.

For making chutney, grind all the ingredients of chutney which we have mentioned above. Transfer the chutney from mixture jar to bowl.

For potato subzi. Heat a small pan on medium flame, pour some oil. Now add cumin. Once cumin fluttered, add chopped chilies and roasted crush peanuts into the tadka. Now add boiled chopped potatoes. Add salt for the taste. Mix well in slow flame. Keep a lid on a pan and cook for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, remove the lid and mix well. Turn off the flame. Potatoes subzi is ready. Keep aside.

After a 3 hours, grind both the samo rice and tapioca pearls together. Don’t use much water. Make a batter like a dosa not so thick and not so runny. Add some salt, jeera and chopped chilies into the batter. Mix well.  

Heat a pan on gas stove. Keep on a medium flame. When the pan is hot enough, slow down the flame. Pour a batter in the centre of the pan with help of ladle. Spread it evenly in a circular shape. Drizzled oil/ghee as you need. Allow to cook on medium flame until dosa turn light brown. Turn the dosa on another side. Once both the sides cook. Remove the dosa from the pan.

This is how you can make dosas with remaining batter. And served hot fasting dosas with coconut chutney and potatoes subzi.

Be happy and healthy.

Have a great day ahead.

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