Tomato Saar Recipe.

Tomato Saar Recipe.

Preparation time 15 minutes

Cooking time 15 minutes

Total time 30 minutes

Servings: 4 people      

Type of recipe: Curry

Name of author: Asmi Kadam


·       5 Tomatoes

·       ½ cup grated Coconut

·       ½ inch Ginger

·       4 to 5 Garlic

·       Small Onion

·       Coriander

·       Coriander and Cumin seeds

·       Turmeric

·       5 to 6 red Chilies

·       1/3 teaspoon Fenugreek seeds

·       Salt


·      For tempering:

ü Oil

ü Mustard seeds

ü Cumin seeds

ü Pinch of Asafoetida

ü 2 Garlic

ü 2 green Chilies

ü Curry leaves


Clean the tomatoes in running water. Heat a pot with 2 glass of water on a medium flame, add tomatoes, red chilies and fenugreek seeds. Allow to cook till tomatoes leaves the skin. After that, turn off the flame.

Remove the water from the tomatoes from the sieve. Keep that water aside. Now take mixture grinder, add boil tomatoes, red chilies, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, grated coconut, coriander, onion, garlic, ginger and turmeric. Add some water and grind in fine paste.

Now heat Kadai vessel on a medium heat, add oil. Once oil heated, add mustard seeds, cumin seeds and asafoetida. Then add crushed garlic, split green chilies and curry leaves.

Once garlic change the colour add grated paste on the tempering, then add the boil water which we already kept aside.

Keep the consistency of saar as thick or thin, the way you want. Then add salt as per the taste. Allow to make boil for at least 7 to 10 minutes.


After 10 minutes add some chopped coriander.

Serve hot with steam rice.


Thank you.

Have a wonderful day.

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