Ratalyachey Gharge.

Ratalyachey Gharge.

Preparation Time 15 Minutes

Cooking Time 30 Minutes

Total Time 45 Minutes

Serve 4

Type of Recipe: Fasting

Name of Author: Asmi Kadam.


  • Sweet Potatoes 2
  • 1 Teaspoon salt for Boiling Sweet Potatoes
  • ½ Cup Jaggery
  • 1 Bowl Rajgira Flour ( Amaranth Flour)
  • Pinch of salt
  • Oil for frying.


Wash the sweet potatoes in running water. Now cut them into long pieces. Add them in water and 1 teaspoon salt. Allow to boil till they become soft.

Once they cook switch off the gas. Remove the water from the sweet potatoes. Peel off the sweet potatoes.

Grate the sweet potatoes in a mixing bowl. Add jaggery on it. Add salt and rajgira flour on it. Knead the tight dough. Keep the dough aside.

Heat oil in a kadai on a low flame. For making gharge. Take one plastic bag. Keep the dough ball on a plastic bag and spread the dough with help of small plate. It helps to spread the gharge evenly from all the sides.

Now check whether oil is hot enough. Now put the gharga in oil. Once gharge change the color form both the sides and it cook properly remove it from the kadai. And keep it on tissue paper.

Like this make all gharge.

Serve hot with dahi.


Thank you.

Have a wonderful day.

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